Dr. Mindy is a women's hormones and fasting expert, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and a mission-fueled woman here to teach you just how powerful your body was made to be. The Resetter Podcast explores to empower you with knowledge, tools, and science on all aspects of health and wellness through meaningful conversations with some of the most brilliant minds that walk this earth. New episodes are released every Monday.
Trying to understand what how to break your fast. So in the the 60 day tracker section, not only do I have the the prompts, and you can journal on the answers to those, But opposite that page, I have a fasting tracking sheet. This actually was born out of something I've used with my own personal clients. So when I go to customize a client's, fasting lifestyle, I track a lot. I track glucose. I track how many blood sugar spikes they have in a day. I look at how quickly the blood sugar comes down. I track their HRV and their sleep, their total sleep, and their deep sleep, and their REM sleep. I track symptoms like bloatedness and breast tenderness and constipation. Like I have a whole tracker system so that we can start to see patterns. And I think this is the beautiful thing about the longer you stick with a fasting lifestyle, the more these patterns will be revealed to you. And so, I wanted to create prompts for you to see the patterns. So let me just give you something an example of what you'll see in this fast tracking, in the 60 day tracker. You're gonna see the reflection questions that you'll be journaling on, and then you're gonna see little boxes. And the little boxes have things like, what kind of fast are you doing today? And is it longer than the day before? So you can use that prompt to either to remind yourself of what you're doing today or what you did yesterday, but it starts to help you see because you'll go back. Or if you do this over 60 days, you'll start to see your favorite length fast. You'll be like, woah. I did a lot of 17 hour fasts, or, oh my gosh, I haven't done a 24 hour fast in a long time because you'll be using this tracking system for 60 days, so it's enough to see that pattern. Then underneath that, I have a way of or I have a little box
Grabbed some bone broth because bone broth will most likely keep me fasted. I know this from my glucose monitor, and I saved the bagel for after this call because my brain was like, oh, if I even take a bite of that bagel, I've now opened up my my eating window. And if I can wait another hour, it might be either hunger goes away. And maybe I'm not gonna open up my eating window for several hours, or maybe, you know, my eat I'll just open my eating window up an hour from now. So I'm always thinking the minute I spike my blood sugar, the eating window is now officially open. And I know because I wear continuous glucose monitors all time, I'm very clear on what will pull me out of a fasted state and what doesn't and bone broth doesn't seem to pull me out. It seems to actually bring my blood sugar down. So it was kind of a good resource at this moment. To be able to curb my hunger while I maybe wait a couple more hours before I open my eating window. So the first thing you want every day is when, like, when I wake up in the morning, it's when is that eating window going to start? Now some mornings, I wake up, and I'm not hungry at all. That was actually yesterday morning. And I had a really big day the last couple days. I've been doing a lot of YouTube videos and podcasting and production work. And I I like my high performance work to be done in the fasted state. I do really well with that. So yesterday, I didn't open up my eating window until 1 o'clock. And then, again, once it opened up, then I was now in an eating food. So the first thing to do is
Cream. Okay. Let's just start with that name. How many of us wanna dive into a cream that is called a dream cream. I know my 53 year old face was excited about that, and, literally, this product has been a game changer. Seriously, I feel like I have jumped back in time whenever I put the dream cream on. It is a true dream. And what I love the most about it is not only does it, like, make my skin feel really smooth and moist and much happier when I look in the mirror afterwards, but it's actually having a therapeutic benefit. It supports collagen and elastin production without disturbing any of the hormones in my body. Now remember, as we go through menopause, as we go over our forties, you are losing estrogen, which is, forcing, I'm gonna say lovingly forcing your body to make less collagen, which is part of the reason that wrinkles seem to appear so frequently. Well, with the dream cream, you're getting actual collagen production and elastin production, and you're skipping all the harmful chemicals that just will throw your hormones completely out of whack. So it's really truly a dream, and check this out. If you go to and you enter the code Pels, p e l z, at checkout, they're gonna give you 10% off your first order. So that's Enter Pels in the code and you will get 10% off. And I wanna know if you're having the same experience that I did with this amazing product. You are definitely gonna wanna try this one. We are gonna talk about the 3 best ways to preserve muscle. And to help you or help me get this message across, I have brought my friend Marie Forleo, And I've never done this before, by the way. So this is kind of an intimate
Peace or that silence can be filled, and it's not about all what I need to be different. Can can you can you hold me here? Yeah. And can you see me? Can you see me? Can you see me? And I think that's what we're really missing in our health care system is is we don't we're not practitioners. I'm just gonna put everybody in one big bucket. Are not seeing the person in front of them. And especially if there's insurance involved and there's a system involved, then all of a sudden, we've only seen there's only a process. There's not a person. So so, yeah, I just wanna point that out because it really I think is is where health care is going is following somebody who had what you had, created a solution for themselves, and then turned around to lift other people up in it. It's gonna be a a relational health care, not a a systemized health care. And that I think it's just you just said it so beautifully. I didn't wanna let you know. Thank you for highlighting that. I mean, I I going back to sort of that transition period from being someone that was still moving through their stuff to to stepping in and still moving through their stuff as a human. But helping other people with it, I felt so unseen in so many moments Mhmm. Of my life. And again, there's this interesting it kinda gives me chills this considering, like, I I attempted to unsee myself, to just become almost invisible. Right? And then to be to be more in my body, which is so much of my work now and helping people come into their bodies to be able to witness is is just such a blessing. And if anyone leaves my space feeling more seen or more heard than I have done my work. Right? Yes. You have. And and many of people have done that, including myself, left your space in feeling exactly that. You know, one of my favorite parts about
Yeah. So I think there's, you know, there's a lot of ways to measure this, and I agree with you. I feel like we're more dysregulated than ever before in our history. And I've been taking care of people for 30 years. I've never seen people who are more polarized and divisive and, you know, just struggling with being able to wind down and go to sleep. Yeah. And so, yeah, we can measure this. We can you know, the way I think of window of tolerance is that you can measure it with the PINE system. So PINE is an acronym for your psychology, that's the p, your immune system, that's the I, your neurological system, the n, and then your endocrine system, the e. And so I love that. When you're past your window of tolerance, your psychology might start to change. You might feel more irritable. You might feel depressed, more anxious. In terms of your immune system, maybe you start making antinuclear antibodies. Your inflammation goes up. Maybe in your antibodies. Your inflammation goes up. Maybe in your neurological system, your heart rate variability, which I track. I'm a big fan of wearables. I track it because I'm not the best historian. Like, I have a hard time sensing what is true. Yeah. Am I past my window of tolerance? And so things like heart rate variability, the measure between my sympathetic nervous system, fight, flight, freeze, fawn, and my parasympathetic nervous system, which is stay and play, rest and digest, the balance between the 2 is measured by HRV. And sometimes it's just way too low, like when you're on a plane every week. And then your endocrine system, of course, you can measure things like your cortisol, the stress hormones, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, even insulin, and that links it to metabolism. So that was actually my first clue that I was I was just so tipped into